The Sleeve Weave

Coming to you live (or at least something akin to it) from finals week! Still got things to do, but last night I found the time to fit in one quick refashioning project.

A few years ago, as happens to so many girls, my younger brother got taller than me. It was an irritating process–at first, “Look, Bex, my feet fit perfectly in your shoes!” Later, “I’ll have to go put my shoes on to get the mail…Becky’s shoes are too small for my feet anymore.” Yes, brother, I get it. You are bigger than me. I don’t care. Please stop trying to make me care. Eventually, he did. And eventually…I started getting his hand-me-downs–wahoo!

I’ve been recycling his regular t-shirts for a couple years now and only in the last few months have I branched out to polos and other fabrics and cuts. Last night, I decided to do something with an old one of those great cotton baseball shirts–you know, the kind with where the sleeves and the body are contrasting colors. I’d show you a “before and after”, but because I wasn’t particularly optimistic about this project, I didn’t take a “before” picture. I’ll just let you use your imagination and tell you that it was a masculine cut that was a just little too large on me and not too flattering.

I decided to use a cool technique which I found the instructions for here (the directions are in the pictures under the large primary picture at left). With said instructions, I created this.

Sleeve WeaveDoesn’t that sleeve look awesome? Doing this definitely made the sleeves more fitting and feminine. And if you’ve looked at the instructions already, you know the best part–it’s no-sew! Hard to believe, huh? Let me know if you try it and can’t get the hang of it. I’ll make an actual tutorial of my own. (Sometimes it helps to just see or hear things in a different way, I know.

I called this post “The Sleeve Weave,” obviously, because the sleeves are woven, but you can use this technique to achieve other effects in other places. You can expect to see more from me in the future, tweaking this technique.